welcome to calvary christian school

Calvary Christian School has been providing the Cincinnati metropolitan area with a quality Christ-centered education since 1974. Although a vital ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, CCS has more than 70 different churches represented in its student body. Central to our understanding of education is that any learning that excludes the Creator of the Universe is incomplete. Therefore, the centrality of God and His love for us and the truthfulness of Scripture are integrated into every subject taught at every grade level.

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dr. bill dickens


Stories scroll across our newsfeeds of war in Europe, war in the Middle East,

riots and unrest in our cities, disfunction and discord in the halls of our

government, uncertainty about our financial security, attacks on religious

liberty, etc. We live in a world and nation that is increasingly opposed to the

God of the Bible, Christian principles and the truth of Scripture. As our

students confront this world, I believe it is important that the teaching that is

represented by the diploma they receive must be Christ-centered. This

highlights the significance of an education from Calvary Christian School.

Our mission at CCS is “Equipping the Next Generation to Impact the World

for Christ.”  There are two parts to this task, the input and the output. The

input is the “equipping” that takes place inside these walls.  We not only want

our students to know and understand math, science, language arts, history,

the arts, etc.  We want them to be grounded in God’s Word.  We don’t want

them to just be successful at college or their career.  Our desire is for them to

view the world through a Biblical lens.  This means that God’s Word, not

culture, society or the latest movement, will define salvation, gender,

marriage, the treatment of other people, politics, success, etc.  Whether the

world acknowledges it or not, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of the

universe. Therefore, ANY education, no matter how prestigious or

academically strong, that excludes God is a faulty and incomplete education.

The second half of the mission statement focuses on output.  We want our

students to impact the world for the Kingdom of Christ.  The things this world

has to offer are fleeting, however the impact these students can have for the

cause of Christ will echo into eternity.  Our society, our culture and our nation

are running full steam ahead toward destruction. Our world desperately

needs the love of Christ. Regardless of their career choices, our students can

be the vessels used by God to stimulate the change our world needs, . . .

wherever He places them.  This is the impact we expect our graduates to


If this is your vision for your child, consider joining us at Calvary Christian

School.  We’d love to talk to you about what could be.

Here to serve,

Bill Dickens, Ph.D.


Dr. Bill Dickens



Click here to read our Headmaster's blog.

academic programs

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Just a few colleges & Universities attended by calvary Christian Graduates


  • Purdue University
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Cincinnati
  • West Point Academy
  • Liberty University
  • Bob Jones University
  • ...Read More.