welcome to calvary athletics

jody hilsher

The CCS Athletic Department offers a competitive athletic program striving for excellence and doing all things for God’s glory. Student-Athletes have the opportunity to develop physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. Our goal is to develop Student-Leaders who work hard, serve others, and do their best in everything that they do. Calvary Athletics strives to bring out the best in each individual helping them to realize their potential and God-given talents. The purpose of Calvary Athletics is to develop well-rounded individuals, who compete to win, and display Christ-like character throughout their participation. 

Calvary Christian School is a member of the KHSAA (Kentucky High School Athletic Association) since 1998 and the NKAC (Northern Kentucky Athletic Conference) since 1999. We offer the following varsity level sports in each season.

Fall Sports-Boy/Girls Cross Country, Boys/Girls Golf, Boys/Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball. 

Winter Sports-Boys/Girls Archery, Boys/Girls Basketball, Girls Cheerleading, Boys/Girls Swimming.

Spring Sports-Boys Baseball, Girls Fast-pitch Softball, Boys/Girls Tennis, Boys/Girls Track, Boys Volleyball.

  "Athletic abilities are a gift from God, how you use them is your gift back to God." The purpose of athletics is more than physical education or competition for trophies and awards. Athletics should instill dependability, honor, a good work ethic, endurance, and a desire to improve each aspect of one's life. Philippians 4:8 states, “whatsoever things are of good report we are to think on these things. “The athletic purpose is to reach students in a way that may not be accomplished in the classroom. Athletics compliments the classroom by teaching the athlete to set goals, challenge their abilities, and motivate them beyond the normal activities of school life.

Fall Sports

  • Boys Soccer
    Coach: Michael McCarthy - email
  • Girls Soccer
    Coach: Michael Oster - email
  • Middle School Girls Volleyball (Grades 5-8)
    Coach: Becca Haggard - email
  • High School Girls Volleyball
    Coach: Becky Stelzer - email
  • Girls & Boys Cross Country
    Coach: Gary Sebastian - email
  • Girls Golf
    Coach: Wednesday Oster - email
  • Boys Golf
    Coach: Wednesday Oster - email

winter sports

  • Elementary Basketball
  • Middle School Basketball
  • Boys Basketball
    Coach: Ben Mulling- email
  • Girls Basketball
    Coach: TBD
  • Boys & Girls Swimming
    Coach: Jeff Heyob - email
  • Girls Cheerleading
    Coach: Bethany McGlasson - email
  • Boys & Girls Archery
    Coach: Phil Cody- email

spring sports

  • Boys Baseball
    Coach: Brad Ruwe - email
  • Girls Fast Pitch Softball
    Coach: Chuck Sammet - email
  • Boys Volleyball
    Coach: Kara Landis - email
  • Track
    Coach: TBD
  • Tennis
    Coach: Mark Ross - email
  • Middle School Girls Soccer
    Coach: Michael Oster- email
  • Middle School Boys Soccer
    Coach: James Faulkner - email

athletics calendar

athletic forms

athletics helpful tips

KHSAA Medical Forms

final forms playbook

St. Elizabeth Trainer Release Form