- A.A. in Sociology, Waubonsee Community College, 1983
- B.A. in Religion, Georgetown College, 1986
- M.Div, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1993
- Th.M., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1995
- Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1998
- *Additional Graduate work at Wheaton College, Liberty University, Northern Iowa University and Northern Kentucky University
emaildr. bill dickens
- A.A. in Sociology, Waubonsee Community College, 1983
- B.A. in Religion, Georgetown College, 1986
- M.Div, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1993
- Th.M., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1995
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1998
*Additional Graduate work at Wheaton College, Liberty University, Northern Iowa University and Northern Kentucky University
emailmrs. kim taylor
Elementary principal
M. Ed. in Christian Education with an Emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction, Clarks Summit University, 2004
- b.s. in Elementary Education, clarks summit university, 1983
- B.S. in Elementary Education, Tennessee Temple University, 1985
- M. Ed. in Elementary Education Emphasis Early Childhood Education, Northern Kentucky University, 2005
M. Ed. in Christian Education with an Emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction, Clarks Summit University, 2004
emailMRS. tonya burns
Elementary Assistant principal
- B.S. in Accounting, University of Cincinnati, 1983
emailMR. cris sexton
MIDDLE/high SCHOOL instructional PRINCIPAL & Accounting assistant
- B.A. in Middle School Education (Math and Science), Northern Kentucky University, 2011
- Masters of Education in Teacher Leadership, University of the Cumberlands, 2019
- B.A. in Middle School Education (Math and Science), Northern Kentucky University, 2011
- Masters of Education in Teacher Leadership, University of the Cumberlands, 2019
emailMRS. melody dickens
(academic) & Guidance counselor
B.A. in Psychology, Northern Kentucky University, 1997
*Additional Graduate work at Liberty University & Harvard university.
- B.A. in Psychology, Northern Kentucky University, 1997
- *Additional Graduate work at Liberty University
B.A. in Psychology, Northern Kentucky University, 1997
emailMR. jody hilsher
athletic director
- B.S. IN physical education, pensacola christian college, 1992
- masters of educational administration, pensacola christian college, 1994
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director of spiritual life & Discipline
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emailMRS. rachel Cornell
director of marketing & development
- B.a. in integrated strategic communications, university of kentucky, 2014
- B.A. in Integrated Strategic Communications, University of Kentucky, 2014
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emailMR. mark ross
Director of safety & security
- A.A. in Architecture, Lexington Community College, 1986
- B.A. in Organizational Leadership, Northern Kentucky University, 2012
- A.A. in Architecture, Lexington Community College, 1986
- B.A. in Organizational Leadership, Northern Kentucky University, 2012
emailMRS. laurie switzer
admissions coordinator
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emailMRs. Brittany leslie
admissions coordinator
- B.A. in Middle School Education (Math and Science), university of kentucky, 2013
- Masters of Education in Teacher Leadership, University of the Cumberlands, 2019
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emailMRS. jackie keating
Administrative assistant
- A.A. in Office Administration, University of Cincinnati - Clermont
- A.A. in Office Administration, University of Cincinnati - Clermont
emailMRs. debbie arthur
- b.s. IN graphic communication management, eastern kentucky university, 2005
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