high school

high school at calvary christian

Calvary Christian School is preparing hearts and minds for life after high school. We offer a rigorous academic program which prepares our students for their next step, whether that be college, the military, trade school or workforce.

Our students are given the opportunity to participate in various activities. We realize that the school experience is more than just classwork. Additionally, we offer athletics programs, clubs and performing arts opportunities. Our hope is that our students will be well-rounded individuals when they leave Calvary Christian School.

the high school experience

Bible  Bible classes

High School students are required to take yearly Bible classes. Throughout their high school years, they will take Bible Survey, Bible Doctrines, Apologetics and Engaging Your Culture with a Biblical Mindset. 

Users  Cougar groups

One the greatest desires that we have here at CCS for the Co-Gro’s is that they would be places where students can connect with one another and their Co-Gro leader.  We want students to create and maintain powerful relationships and for us to have an avenue to invest deeper into their lives. The MS/HS student body is divided up into multi-grade groups of 8-10 students and a faculty member as the Co-Gro leader. 

Alternate Calendar  Weekly chapel

Students participate in weekly chapel services. Each chapel gives students the unique opportunity to experience our student led praise and worship team and a Biblical message. 

University  student life

While we offer a strong academic program, we also have organized sports teams, events and clubs available for students. Ex.: Retreat, Spirit Week, Play Week, Prom, National Honor Society and many other extracurriculars.

bookmark  dual-credit opportunities

We are partnered with Northern Kentucky University, Thomas More University, Colorado Christian University and Arizona Christian University to offer our students college courses while they are still in high school. Some  Dual Credit Courses are offered in-house at CCS. In addition, students may take dual credit courses from any accredited college or university.

Theater Masks  performing arts

Our performing arts program allows students to discover and express their God-given talents. There are several opportunities available to participate in our performing arts program. 

Click here to learn more.

Suitcase  class trips

In 10th grade, students will participate in Sophomore Trip (service trip) where they serve others alongside their teachers and classmates. As the culmination of high school closes, our seniors take a Senior Trip to Orlando to celebrate.

Chalkboard Teacher  1:1 technology

Every student from 4th - 12th grade utilize a Chromebook for school. The goal is for our students to be literate in technology when they graduate from Calvary Christian School. 


Calvary Christian School offers a variety of sports teams for our high school students. 

We offer:

  • Boys and Girls Soccer
  • Girls Volleyball
  • Cross Country
  • Boys and Girls Golf
  • Boys and Girls Basketball
  • Swimming
  • Cheerleading
  • Archery
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Track and Field
  • Tennis (years vary)
    Click to learn more about our Athletics Program.

college destinations

"Equipping the Next Generation to Impact the World for Christ." This is our mission statement and the foundation of our school. We hope and pray that our graduates will impact the world for Christ when they move on from CCS. Here are a few of the colleges and universities that our graduates attend.
  • Purdue University
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Cincinnati
  • West Point Academy
  • Liberty University
  • Bob Jones University
  • ...Read More.

high school information:

georgetown college partnership

Recognizing their shared mission, Georgetown College and Calvary Christian School are proud to announce a partnership which includes a tuition-match scholarship for Calvary Christian students attending Georgetown College. The Christian School Partner Scholarship will allow students from Calvary Christian to attend GC for the same cost as the current, posted twelfth-grade tuition at Calvary Christian, and is renewable for four years. The tuition match will be available to all residential, full-time students admitted to Georgetown College after graduating from Calvary Christian School.

This exciting partnership provides students from Calvary Christian the unique opportunity to further their education at an institution which aligns with the mission of their secondary education, while maintaining the cost of that education for those students and their families. 

high school intervention

The CCS Intervention Specialist is purposed for students with a diagnosed learning and/or behavioral need. That diagnosis must be given by a licensed professional. The CCS Intervention Specialist is not a tutor. CCS does not promise that we will be able to meet all the learning needs of any said child. With the following process, an evaluation and a clear academic/behavioral assessment is available to the parent and the school. 

It is to be noted that a student who comes to CCS having a current diagnosed learning or behavioral need (current diagnoses must be within the last 3 years) and has been receiving accommodations in their current educational institution, will bypass the following procedure. With provided paperwork, the CCS Intervention Specialist will communicate with the parents, teachers and administration how the administered intervention program can proceed. 

For more information, please click here.

Question? Please e-mail chelsea.schrichte@ccsky.org.

Question Circle

high school questions?

  • MRs. melody dickens


    middle/HIGH SCHOOL academic PRINCIPAL & guidance counselor

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  • MR. cris sexton


    middle/high school instructional PRINCIPAL

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